Normally $798
Now $400 Off
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Unlock Your Pelvic and Bladder Freedom! Live A Leak-Pain-Prolapse Free Life

Discover Kegels, simple stretches, massages, and mindfulness exercises clinically developed in Isa's NYC clinic and proven with over 15,000 women. Join thousands of women who have regained bladder control and healed their prolapse and pain through the Female Pelvic Freedom Program.
Real Women, Real Results:
I felt humiliation and pain with sex.
“I'm now able to have successful sex with my husband. This program saved my marriage"...Tali K.
I was skeptical that this program would work.
"After 18 years of trying everything and seeing the top doctors, Isa's program gave me back my life. This program works”... Susan B. Age 76
The leaking was constant, and the Kegels made it worse!
“The first thing to go was the leaking. It was easy to fix. I even became multi-orgasmic and have significant sensations down there”...Emma B. Age 34
I hated my body and didn't trust myself.
“After four surgeries, I was hopeless. As soon I did the first module, I understood myself better and started to feel hope again”…Jessica G. Age 60
I felt lonely and afraid to date.
"I was able to be Intimate again with my new boyfriend in my 50’s."... Nancy S. Age 55
Here's What's Included When You Register Before The Deadline
Bonus 1: $400 DISCOUNT discount expires soon, and the price goes back up!
Bonus 2: LIFETIME ACCESS to the Female Pelvic Freedom Progam: Includes eight multimedia modules, recordings of (6) group coaching calls, downloadable checklists, notes, and other materials. (Value $798)
Bonus 3: "30 FREE DAYS IN THE FOREVER UNBREAKABLE PRIVATE COMMUNITY" - Telehealth Help on Demand: Get a tailored answer to your specific problem from Isa and her team. After 30 days, you will be charged $29 monthly to continue participating in this incredible healing community. (Value $900)
Bonus 4: BONUS KICK-OFF COACHING CALL - February 15, 2024, at 10 AM EST- Isa will share her best tips so you can organize yourself for quick pelvic and bladder results.
Super Bonus 5: THE HAND HOLDING: Six Group Coaching Calls with Isa Herrera, MSPT, CSCS. Six Live Group Coaching QA Calls where we will guide you SAFELY through the entire program. These calls are filled with healing recipes relevant to every woman with a pelvic floor, no matter their symptoms. (Value $1,425)
Coaching Call #1: February 23, 2024, at 10 AM EST
Coaching Call #2: March 1, 2024, at 10 AM EST
Coaching Call #3: March 8, 2024, at 10 AM EST
Coaching Call #4: March 15, 2024, at 10 AM PM EST
Coaching Call #5: March 19, 2024, at 4:30 PM EST
Coaching Call #6: March 22, 2024, at 10 AM EST
Bonus Calls:
Pelvic Wellness Community Sisterhood Call: March 5, 2024 @ 10 AM EST
Pelvic Wellness Community – Live Sound Healing Bath: March 12, 2024, 1PM EST
Normally $798 Get $400 Off Right Now
$400 Discounted Coupon Applied At Checkout

This program sells out every year. Secure your spot now!